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History - the Paris commune

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March 18 marks the 130th anniversary of the commune of Paris. The commune of 1871 played a significant role in the development of the ideas of anarchist and of the movement and thus should be recalled and, also like significant, to be learned from.

The commune of Paris was created after France was demolished by Prussia in the war Free-Prussian. The French government tried to introduce the troops to regain the gun of the Parisian national guard to prevent it from falling into the hands from the population. Soldiers refused to put fire on the crowd of sarcastic remark and turned their weapons on their officers. It was on March 18; the commune had started.

In the free elections called by the Parisian national guard, the elected citizens of Paris a council made up of a majority of Jacobins and republicans and a minority of Socialists (most of the time Blanquists -- authoritative Socialists -- and feelers of the Proudhon anarchist). This council proclaimed autonomous Paris and wished to recreate France like confederation of communes (C-with-D. communities). In the commune, the elected people of council were recallable and paid average wages. Moreover, they had to again bring back to the people which had elected them and were prone to the recall by voters if they did not carry out their mandates.

Why this development caught the imagination of the anarchists is clear -- it has strong similarities with ideas of anarchist. In fact, the example of the commune of Paris was much in ways similar to the way in which Bakunin had provided that a revolution should occur -- a significant city declaring itself autonomous, being organized, driving for example, and inviting the remainder of planet to follow it. (see the "letter with Albert Richards" in Bakunin on anarchism). The commune of Paris began the process to upwards create a new company, one organized of the bottom. Like Bakunin commented then