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Spanish anarchist herosplaying craps online you must determine whether to bet the pass line or the don't pass line. There are many myths and polemic about the résistancefrançaiseduring the Second World War. The ligne"officielle one", from the pointof view of Gaullists, allots the grandesignification to the emissionby radio of call by Charles de Gaullele 1940 June 18, inviting Frenchto continue the combat contreles German. But for at least a principalcomponent of the mouvementde resistance the armed struggle againstFascism began not le1940 June 18 but on 1936 July 17. It is a knownfact little which plusde 60.000 exiles Spanish fought beside therésistancefrançaise, in more of the thousands of others which wereuseful in lesforces regular of the free French Army. This articleversel' homage on the forgotten heroes of Spanish resistance etexplorebroader origins and the development of larésistance French. The fascistic victories of defeat, exile and internment enEspagnecarried out to several waves of the refugees crossing Frenchlafrontière. In June 1938 approximately 40-45.000 réfugiésavaientcross and an alarmed French government ordered lafrontière to beclosed. However, with the fall of Catalogneen January 1939 a greatflood of people ran in north. Behind them estvenu the republican armythe reprocessing covered by one rearguardcomposé of the 26th Division(column of Durruti) and of elements del' armed with Ebro. Do the rightwing insert France entered dansl' hysteria close with titles to bannerproclaiming, "the arméede the riot will reorganize in France?" and"close our frontièresdes armed bands with the F.A.I. and of theP.O.U.M.". However, with the villede Figueras approximately to fall toFranco, susceptibilities gaucheset humane Frenchwomen reigned and theborder has étéouverte to admit hundreds of thousands of civil anddecombattants in France. Population of because more than doubled departmentdePyrénées-Eastern of the surge of the Spaniards. Troupesfrançaisesin the sector had been already reinforced etpromeuvent reinforcementswere brought inside while la26ème Division reached the border. Likeone of its members, Antonio Herrero, pointed out, "... us theplusdangereux one of the refugees was considered ". The sections ofthe françaisont establishment clearly fears that the "reds" and the"anarchists" apportentla social revolution in France. |